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2.0 prealpha
Cognitive Robotics Architecture
Manages a single axis inside a QCustomPlot. More...
#include <plot2d.h>
Public Types | |
enum | AxisType { atLeft, atRight, atTop, atBottom } |
enum | LabelType { ltNumber, ltDateTime } |
enum | ScaleType { stLinear, stLogarithmic } |
enum | SelectablePart { spNone = 0, spAxis = 0x001, spTickLabels = 0x002, spAxisLabel = 0x004 } |
Public Slots | |
void | setRange (const QCPRange &range) |
void | setSelectable (const QCPAxis::SelectableParts &selectable) |
void | setSelected (const QCPAxis::SelectableParts &selected) |
Signals | |
void | ticksRequest () |
void | rangeChanged (const QCPRange &newRange) |
void | selectionChanged (QCPAxis::SelectableParts selection) |
Public Member Functions | |
QCPAxis (QCustomPlot *parentPlot, AxisType type) | |
virtual | ~QCPAxis () |
AxisType | axisType () const |
QRect | axisRect () const |
ScaleType | scaleType () const |
double | scaleLogBase () const |
const QCPRange | range () const |
bool | rangeReversed () const |
bool | antialiasedGrid () const |
bool | antialiasedSubGrid () const |
bool | antialiasedZeroLine () const |
bool | grid () const |
bool | subGrid () const |
bool | autoTicks () const |
int | autoTickCount () const |
bool | autoTickLabels () const |
bool | autoTickStep () const |
bool | autoSubTicks () const |
bool | ticks () const |
bool | tickLabels () const |
int | tickLabelPadding () const |
LabelType | tickLabelType () const |
QFont | tickLabelFont () const |
QColor | tickLabelColor () const |
double | tickLabelRotation () const |
QString | dateTimeFormat () const |
QString | numberFormat () const |
int | numberPrecision () const |
double | tickStep () const |
QVector< double > | tickVector () const |
QVector< QString > | tickVectorLabels () const |
int | tickLengthIn () const |
int | tickLengthOut () const |
int | subTickCount () const |
int | subTickLengthIn () const |
int | subTickLengthOut () const |
QPen | basePen () const |
QPen | gridPen () const |
QPen | subGridPen () const |
QPen | zeroLinePen () const |
QPen | tickPen () const |
QPen | subTickPen () const |
QFont | labelFont () const |
QColor | labelColor () const |
QString | label () const |
int | labelPadding () const |
int | padding () const |
SelectableParts | selected () const |
SelectableParts | selectable () const |
QFont | selectedTickLabelFont () const |
QFont | selectedLabelFont () const |
QColor | selectedTickLabelColor () const |
QColor | selectedLabelColor () const |
QPen | selectedBasePen () const |
QPen | selectedTickPen () const |
QPen | selectedSubTickPen () const |
void | setScaleType (ScaleType type) |
void | setScaleLogBase (double base) |
void | setRange (double lower, double upper) |
void | setRange (double position, double size, Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment) |
void | setRangeLower (double lower) |
void | setRangeUpper (double upper) |
void | setRangeReversed (bool reversed) |
void | setAntialiasedGrid (bool enabled) |
void | setAntialiasedSubGrid (bool enabled) |
void | setAntialiasedZeroLine (bool enabled) |
void | setGrid (bool show) |
void | setSubGrid (bool show) |
void | setAutoTicks (bool on) |
void | setAutoTickCount (int approximateCount) |
void | setAutoTickLabels (bool on) |
void | setAutoTickStep (bool on) |
void | setAutoSubTicks (bool on) |
void | setTicks (bool show) |
void | setTickLabels (bool show) |
void | setTickLabelPadding (int padding) |
void | setTickLabelType (LabelType type) |
void | setTickLabelFont (const QFont &font) |
void | setTickLabelColor (const QColor &color) |
void | setTickLabelRotation (double degrees) |
void | setDateTimeFormat (const QString &format) |
void | setNumberFormat (const QString &formatCode) |
void | setNumberPrecision (int precision) |
void | setTickStep (double step) |
void | setTickVector (const QVector< double > &vec) |
void | setTickVectorLabels (const QVector< QString > &vec) |
void | setTickLength (int inside, int outside=0) |
void | setSubTickCount (int count) |
void | setSubTickLength (int inside, int outside=0) |
void | setBasePen (const QPen &pen) |
void | setGridPen (const QPen &pen) |
void | setSubGridPen (const QPen &pen) |
void | setZeroLinePen (const QPen &pen) |
void | setTickPen (const QPen &pen) |
void | setSubTickPen (const QPen &pen) |
void | setLabelFont (const QFont &font) |
void | setLabelColor (const QColor &color) |
void | setLabel (const QString &str) |
void | setLabelPadding (int padding) |
void | setPadding (int padding) |
void | setSelectedTickLabelFont (const QFont &font) |
void | setSelectedLabelFont (const QFont &font) |
void | setSelectedTickLabelColor (const QColor &color) |
void | setSelectedLabelColor (const QColor &color) |
void | setSelectedBasePen (const QPen &pen) |
void | setSelectedTickPen (const QPen &pen) |
void | setSelectedSubTickPen (const QPen &pen) |
Qt::Orientation | orientation () const |
void | moveRange (double diff) |
void | scaleRange (double factor, double center) |
void | setScaleRatio (const QCPAxis *otherAxis, double ratio=1.0) |
double | pixelToCoord (double value) const |
double | coordToPixel (double value) const |
SelectablePart | selectTest (const QPointF &pos) const |
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QCPLayerable (QCustomPlot *parentPlot) | |
~QCPLayerable () | |
bool | visible () const |
QCustomPlot * | parentPlot () const |
QCPLayer * | layer () const |
bool | antialiased () const |
void | setVisible (bool on) |
bool | setLayer (QCPLayer *layer) |
bool | setLayer (const QString &layerName) |
void | setAntialiased (bool enabled) |
Protected Member Functions | |
void | setAxisType (AxisType type) |
void | setAxisRect (const QRect &rect) |
virtual void | setupTickVectors () |
virtual void | generateAutoTicks () |
virtual int | calculateAutoSubTickCount (double tickStep) const |
virtual int | calculateMargin () const |
virtual bool | handleAxisSelection (QMouseEvent *event, bool additiveSelection, bool &modified) |
virtual void | applyDefaultAntialiasingHint (QCPPainter *painter) const |
virtual void | draw (QCPPainter *painter) |
virtual void | drawTickLabel (QCPPainter *painter, double position, int distanceToAxis, const QString &text, QSize *tickLabelsSize) |
virtual void | getMaxTickLabelSize (const QFont &font, const QString &text, QSize *tickLabelsSize) const |
void | visibleTickBounds (int &lowIndex, int &highIndex) const |
double | baseLog (double value) const |
double | basePow (double value) const |
QPen | getBasePen () const |
QPen | getTickPen () const |
QPen | getSubTickPen () const |
QFont | getTickLabelFont () const |
QFont | getLabelFont () const |
QColor | getTickLabelColor () const |
QColor | getLabelColor () const |
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bool | moveToLayer (QCPLayer *layer, bool prepend) |
void | applyAntialiasingHint (QCPPainter *painter, bool localAntialiased, QCP::AntialiasedElement overrideElement) const |
virtual QRect | clipRect () const |
Friends | |
class | QCustomPlot |
class | QCPGrid |
Manages a single axis inside a QCustomPlot.
Usually doesn't need to be instantiated externally. Access QCustomPlot's axes via QCustomPlot::xAxis (bottom), QCustomPlot::yAxis (left), QCustomPlot::xAxis2 (top) and QCustomPlot::yAxis2 (right).
enum QCPAxis::AxisType |
Defines at which side of the axis rect the axis will appear. This also affects how the tick marks are drawn, on which side the labels are placed etc.
Enumerator | |
atLeft |
Axis is vertical and on the left side of the axis rect of the parent QCustomPlot. |
atRight |
Axis is vertical and on the right side of the axis rect of the parent QCustomPlot. |
atTop |
Axis is horizontal and on the top side of the axis rect of the parent QCustomPlot. |
atBottom |
Axis is horizontal and on the bottom side of the axis rect of the parent QCustomPlot. |
enum QCPAxis::LabelType |
When automatic tick label generation is enabled (setAutoTickLabels), defines how the numerical value (coordinate) of the tick position is translated into a string that will be drawn at the tick position.
Enumerator | |
ltNumber |
Tick coordinate is regarded as normal number and will be displayed as such. (see setNumberFormat) |
ltDateTime |
Tick coordinate is regarded as a date/time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00 UTC, see QDateTime::toTime_t) and will be displayed and formatted as such. (see setDateTimeFormat) |
enum QCPAxis::ScaleType |
Defines the scale of an axis.
Enumerator | |
stLinear |
Normal linear scaling. |
stLogarithmic |
Logarithmic scaling with correspondingly transformed plots and (major) tick marks at every base power (see setScaleLogBase). |
Defines the selectable parts of an axis.
Enumerator | |
spNone |
None of the selectable parts. |
spAxis |
The axis backbone and tick marks. |
spTickLabels |
Tick labels (numbers) of this axis (as a whole, not individually) |
spAxisLabel |
The axis label. |
explicit |
Constructs an Axis instance of Type type inside parentPlot.
virtual |
inline |
inline |
inline |
protectedvirtual |
Implements QCPLayerable.
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
protected |
inline |
protected |
protectedvirtual |
protectedvirtual |
double QCPAxis::coordToPixel | ( | double | value | ) | const |
Transforms value (in coordinates of the axis) to pixel coordinates of the QCustomPlot widget.
inline |
protectedvirtual |
Implements QCPLayerable.
protectedvirtual |
protectedvirtual |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protectedvirtual |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
inline |
inline |
protectedvirtual |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
void QCPAxis::moveRange | ( | double | diff | ) |
If the scale type (setScaleType) is stLinear, diff is added to the lower and upper bounds of the range. The range is simply moved by diff.
If the scale type is stLogarithmic, the range bounds are multiplied by diff. This corresponds to an apparent "linear" move in logarithmic scaling by a distance of log(diff).
QString QCPAxis::numberFormat | ( | ) | const |
inline |
inline |
Returns the orientation of the axis. The axis orientation (horizontal or vertical) is deduced from the axis type (left, top, right or bottom).
inline |
double QCPAxis::pixelToCoord | ( | double | value | ) | const |
Transforms value (in pixel coordinates of the QCustomPlot widget) to axis coordinates.
inline |
signal |
This signal is emitted when the range of this axis has changed. You can connect it to the setRange slot of another axis to communicate the new range to the other axis, in order for it to be synchronized.
inline |
inline |
void QCPAxis::scaleRange | ( | double | factor, |
double | center | ||
) |
Scales the range of this axis by factor around the coordinate center. For example, if factor is 2.0, center is 1.0, then the axis range will double its size, and the point at coordinate 1.0 won't have changed its position in the QCustomPlot widget (i.e. coordinates around 1.0 will have moved symmetrically closer to 1.0).
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
signal |
This signal is emitted when the selection state of this axis has changed, either by user interaction or by a direct call to setSelected.
QCPAxis::SelectablePart QCPAxis::selectTest | ( | const QPointF & | pos | ) | const |
Returns the part of the axis that is hit by pos (in pixels). The return value of this function is independent of the user-selectable parts defined with setSelectable. Further, this function does not change the current selection state of the axis.
If the axis is not visible (setVisible), this function always returns spNone.
void QCPAxis::setAntialiasedGrid | ( | bool | enabled | ) |
Sets whether the grid of this axis is drawn antialiased or not.
Note that this setting may be overridden by QCustomPlot::setAntialiasedElements and QCustomPlot::setNotAntialiasedElements.
void QCPAxis::setAntialiasedSubGrid | ( | bool | enabled | ) |
Sets whether the sub grid of this axis is drawn antialiased or not.
Note that this setting may be overridden by QCustomPlot::setAntialiasedElements and QCustomPlot::setNotAntialiasedElements.
void QCPAxis::setAntialiasedZeroLine | ( | bool | enabled | ) |
Sets whether the zero line of this axis is drawn antialiased or not.
Note that this setting may be overridden by QCustomPlot::setAntialiasedElements and QCustomPlot::setNotAntialiasedElements.
void QCPAxis::setAutoSubTicks | ( | bool | on | ) |
Sets whether the number of sub ticks in one tick interval is determined automatically. This works, as long as the tick step mantissa is a multiple of 0.5 (which it is, when setAutoTickStep is enabled).
When on is set to false, you may set the sub tick count with setSubTickCount manually.
void QCPAxis::setAutoTickCount | ( | int | approximateCount | ) |
When setAutoTickStep is true, approximateCount determines how many ticks should be generated in the visible range approximately.
void QCPAxis::setAutoTickLabels | ( | bool | on | ) |
Sets whether the tick labels are generated automatically depending on the tick label type (ltNumber or ltDateTime).
If on is set to false, you should provide the tick labels via setTickVectorLabels. This is usually used in a combination with setAutoTicks set to false for complete control over tick positions and labels, e.g. when the ticks should be at multiples of pi and show "2pi", "3pi" etc. as tick labels.
If you need dynamically calculated tick vectors (and possibly tick label vectors), set the vectors in a slot connected to the ticksRequest signal.
void QCPAxis::setAutoTicks | ( | bool | on | ) |
Sets whether the tick positions should be calculated automatically (either from an automatically generated tick step or a tick step provided manually via setTickStep, see setAutoTickStep).
If on is set to false, you must provide the tick positions manually via setTickVector. For these manual ticks you may let QCPAxis generate the appropriate labels automatically by setting/leaving setAutoTickLabels true. If you also wish to control the displayed labels manually, set setAutoTickLabels to false and provide the label strings with setTickVectorLabels.
If you need dynamically calculated tick vectors (and possibly tick label vectors), set the vectors in a slot connected to the ticksRequest signal.
void QCPAxis::setAutoTickStep | ( | bool | on | ) |
Sets whether the tick step, i.e. the interval between two (major) ticks, is calculated automatically. If on is set to true, the axis finds a tick step that is reasonable for human readable plots. This means the tick step mantissa is chosen such that it's either a multiple of two or ends in 0.5. The number of ticks the algorithm aims for within the visible range can be set with setAutoTickCount. It's not guaranteed that this number of ticks is met exactly, but approximately within a tolerance of two or three.
If on is set to false, you may set the tick step manually with setTickStep.
protected |
protected |
void QCPAxis::setBasePen | ( | const QPen & | pen | ) |
Sets the pen, the axis base line is drawn with.
void QCPAxis::setDateTimeFormat | ( | const QString & | format | ) |
Sets the format in which dates and times are displayed as tick labels, if setTickLabelType is ltDateTime. for details about the format string, see the documentation of QDateTime::toString(). Newlines can be inserted with "\n".
void QCPAxis::setGrid | ( | bool | show | ) |
Sets whether the grid lines are visible.
void QCPAxis::setGridPen | ( | const QPen & | pen | ) |
Sets the pen, grid lines are drawn with.
void QCPAxis::setLabel | ( | const QString & | str | ) |
Sets the axis label that will be shown below/above or next to the axis, depending on its orientation.
void QCPAxis::setLabelColor | ( | const QColor & | color | ) |
Sets the color of the axis label.
void QCPAxis::setLabelFont | ( | const QFont & | font | ) |
Sets the font of the axis label.
void QCPAxis::setLabelPadding | ( | int | padding | ) |
Sets the distance between the tick labels and the axis label.
void QCPAxis::setNumberFormat | ( | const QString & | formatCode | ) |
Sets the number format for the numbers drawn as tick labels (if tick label type is ltNumber). This formatCode is an extended version of the format code used e.g. by QString::number() and QLocale::toString(). For reference about that, see the "Argument Formats" section in the detailed description of the QString class. formatCode is a string of one, two or three characters. The first character is identical to the normal format code used by Qt. In short, this means: 'e'/'E' scientific format, 'f' fixed format, 'g'/'G' scientific or fixed, whichever is shorter.
The second and third characters are optional and specific to QCustomPlot:
If the first char was 'e' or 'g', numbers are/might be displayed in the scientific format, e.g. "5.5e9", which is ugly in a plot. So when the second char of formatCode is set to 'b' (for "beautiful"), those exponential numbers are formatted in a more natural way, i.e. "5.5
[multiplication sign] 10 [superscript] 9". By default, the multiplication sign is a centered dot. If instead a cross should be shown (as is usual in the USA), the third char of formatCode can be set to 'c'. The inserted multiplication signs are the UTF-8 characters 215 (0xD7) for the cross and 183 (0xB7) for the dot.
If the scale type (setScaleType) is stLogarithmic and the formatCode uses the 'b' option (beautifully typeset decimal powers), the display usually is "1 [multiplication sign] 10 [superscript] n", which looks unnatural for logarithmic scaling (the "1 [multiplication sign]" part). To only display the decimal power, set the number precision to zero with setNumberPrecision.
Examples for formatCode:
normal format code behaviour. If number is small, fixed format is used, if number is large, normal scientific format is used gb
If number is small, fixed format is used, if number is large, scientific format is used with beautifully typeset decimal powers and a dot as multiplication sign ebc
All numbers are in scientific format with beautifully typeset decimal power and a cross as multiplication sign fb
illegal format code, since fixed format doesn't support (or need) beautifully typeset decimal powers. Format code will be reduced to 'f'. hello
illegal format code, since first char is not 'e', 'E', 'f', 'g' or 'G'. Current format code will not be changed. void QCPAxis::setNumberPrecision | ( | int | precision | ) |
Sets the precision of the numbers drawn as tick labels. See QLocale::toString(double i, char f, int prec) for details. The effect of precisions are most notably for number Formats starting with 'e', see setNumberFormat
If the scale type (setScaleType) is stLogarithmic and the number format (setNumberFormat) uses the 'b' format code (beautifully typeset decimal powers), the display usually is "1 [multiplication sign] 10 [superscript] n", which looks unnatural for logarithmic scaling (the "1 [multiplication sign]" part). To only display the decimal power, set precision to zero.
void QCPAxis::setPadding | ( | int | padding | ) |
Sets the padding of the axis.
When QCustomPlot::setAutoMargin is enabled, the padding is the additional distance to the respective widget border, that is left blank. If padding is zero (default), the auto margin mechanism will find a margin that the axis label (or tick label, if no axis label is set) barely fits inside the QCustomPlot widget. To give the label closest to the border some freedom, increase padding.
The axis padding has no meaning if QCustomPlot::setAutoMargin is disabled.
void QCPAxis::setRange | ( | double | lower, |
double | upper | ||
) |
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Sets the lower and upper bound of the axis range.
To invert the direction of an axis range, use setRangeReversed.
There is also a slot to set a range, see setRange(const QCPRange &range).
void QCPAxis::setRange | ( | double | position, |
double | size, | ||
Qt::AlignmentFlag | alignment | ||
) |
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Sets the range of the axis.
position | the position coordinate indicates together with the alignment parameter, where the new range will be positioned. |
size | defines the size (upper-lower) of the new axis range. |
alignment | determines how position is to be interpreted. If alignment is Qt::AlignLeft, position will be the lower bound of the range. If alignment is Qt::AlignRight, position will be the upper bound of the range. If alignment is Qt::AlignCenter, the new range will be centered around position. Any other values for alignment will default to Qt::AlignCenter. |
slot |
Sets the range of the axis.
This slot may be connected with the rangeChanged signal of another axis so this axis is always synchronized with the other axis range, when it changes.
To invert the direction of an axis range, use setRangeReversed.
void QCPAxis::setRangeLower | ( | double | lower | ) |
Sets the lower bound of the axis range, independently of the upper bound.
void QCPAxis::setRangeReversed | ( | bool | reversed | ) |
Sets whether the axis range (direction) is displayed reversed. Normally, the values on horizontal axes increase left to right, on vertical axes bottom to top. When reversed is set to true, the direction of increasing values is inverted. Note that the range and data interface stays the same for reversed axes, e.g. the lower part of the setRange interface will still reference the mathematically smaller number than the upper part.
void QCPAxis::setRangeUpper | ( | double | upper | ) |
Sets the upper bound of the axis range, independently of the lower bound.
void QCPAxis::setScaleLogBase | ( | double | base | ) |
If setScaleType is set to stLogarithmic, base will be the logarithm base of the scaling. In logarithmic axis scaling, major tick marks appear at all powers of base.
Properties like tick step (setTickStep) don't apply in logarithmic scaling. If you wish a decimal base but less major ticks, consider choosing base 100, 1000 or even higher.
void QCPAxis::setScaleRatio | ( | const QCPAxis * | otherAxis, |
double | ratio = 1.0 |
) |
Sets the range of this axis to have a certain scale ratio to otherAxis. For example, if ratio is 1, this axis is the yAxis and otherAxis is xAxis, graphs plotted with those axes will appear in a 1:1 ratio, independent of the aspect ratio the axis rect has. This is an operation that changes the range of this axis once, it doesn't fix the scale ratio indefinitely. Consequently calling this function in the constructor won't have the desired effect, since the widget's dimensions aren't defined yet, and a resizeEvent will follow.
void QCPAxis::setScaleType | ( | ScaleType | type | ) |
Sets whether the axis uses a linear scale or a logarithmic scale. If type is set to stLogarithmic, the logarithm base can be set with setScaleLogBase. In logarithmic axis scaling, major tick marks appear at all powers of the logarithm base. Properties like tick step (setTickStep) don't apply in logarithmic scaling. If you wish a decimal base but less major ticks, consider choosing a logarithm base of 100, 1000 or even higher.
If type is stLogarithmic and the number format (setNumberFormat) uses the 'b' option (beautifully typeset decimal powers), the display usually is "1 [multiplication sign] 10 [superscript] n", which looks unnatural for logarithmic scaling (the "1 [multiplication sign]" part). To only display the decimal power, set the number precision to zero with setNumberPrecision.
slot |
Sets whether the user can (de-)select the parts in selectable by clicking on the QCustomPlot surface. (When QCustomPlot::setInteractions contains iSelectAxes.)
However, even when selectable is set to a value not allowing the selection of a specific part, it is still possible to set the selection of this part manually, by calling setSelected directly.
slot |
Sets the selected state of the respective axis parts described by SelectablePart. When a part is selected, it uses a different pen/font.
The entire selection mechanism for axes is handled automatically when QCustomPlot::setInteractions contains iSelectAxes. You only need to call this function when you wish to change the selection state manually.
This function can change the selection state of a part even when setSelectable was set to a value that actually excludes the part.
emits the selectionChanged signal when selected is different from the previous selection state.
void QCPAxis::setSelectedBasePen | ( | const QPen & | pen | ) |
Sets the pen that is used to draw the axis base line when selected.
void QCPAxis::setSelectedLabelColor | ( | const QColor & | color | ) |
Sets the color that is used for the axis label when it is selected.
void QCPAxis::setSelectedLabelFont | ( | const QFont & | font | ) |
Sets the font that is used for the axis label when it is selected.
void QCPAxis::setSelectedSubTickPen | ( | const QPen & | pen | ) |
Sets the pen that is used to draw the subticks when selected.
void QCPAxis::setSelectedTickLabelColor | ( | const QColor & | color | ) |
Sets the color that is used for tick labels when they are selected.
void QCPAxis::setSelectedTickLabelFont | ( | const QFont & | font | ) |
Sets the font that is used for tick labels when they are selected.
void QCPAxis::setSelectedTickPen | ( | const QPen & | pen | ) |
Sets the pen that is used to draw the (major) ticks when selected.
void QCPAxis::setSubGrid | ( | bool | show | ) |
Sets whether the sub grid lines are visible.
void QCPAxis::setSubGridPen | ( | const QPen & | pen | ) |
Sets the pen, the sub grid lines are drawn with. (By default, subgrid drawing needs to be enabled first with setSubGrid.)
void QCPAxis::setSubTickCount | ( | int | count | ) |
Sets the number of sub ticks in one (major) tick step. A sub tick count of three for example, divides the tick intervals in four sub intervals.
By default, the number of sub ticks is chosen automatically in a reasonable manner as long as the mantissa of the tick step is a multiple of 0.5 (which it is, when setAutoTickStep is enabled). If you want to disable automatic sub ticks and use this function to set the count manually, see setAutoSubTicks.
void QCPAxis::setSubTickLength | ( | int | inside, |
int | outside = 0 |
) |
Sets the length of the subticks in pixels. inside is the length the subticks will reach inside the plot and outside is the length they will reach outside the plot. If outside is greater than zero, the tick labels will increase their distance to the axis accordingly, so they won't collide with the ticks.
void QCPAxis::setSubTickPen | ( | const QPen & | pen | ) |
Sets the pen, subtick marks will be drawn with.
void QCPAxis::setTickLabelColor | ( | const QColor & | color | ) |
Sets the color of the tick labels, i.e. the numbers drawn next to tick marks.
void QCPAxis::setTickLabelFont | ( | const QFont & | font | ) |
Sets the font of the tick labels, i.e. the numbers drawn next to tick marks.
void QCPAxis::setTickLabelPadding | ( | int | padding | ) |
Sets the distance between the axis base line (or any tick marks pointing outward) and the tick labels.
void QCPAxis::setTickLabelRotation | ( | double | degrees | ) |
Sets the rotation of the tick labels, i.e. the numbers drawn next to tick marks. If degrees is zero, the labels are drawn normally. Else, the tick labels are drawn rotated by degrees clockwise. The specified angle is bound to values from -90 to 90 degrees.
void QCPAxis::setTickLabels | ( | bool | show | ) |
Sets whether tick labels are displayed.
void QCPAxis::setTickLabelType | ( | LabelType | type | ) |
Sets whether the tick labels display numbers or dates/times.
If type is set to ltNumber, the format specifications of setNumberFormat apply.
If type is set to ltDateTime, the format specifications of setDateTimeFormat apply.
In QCustomPlot, date/time coordinates are double numbers representing the seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00 UTC. This format can be retrieved from QDateTime objects with the QDateTime::toTime_t() function. Since this only gives a resolution of one second, there is also the QDateTime::toMSecsSinceEpoch() function which returns the timespan described above in milliseconds. Divide its return value by 1000.0 to get a value with the format needed for date/time plotting, this time with a resolution of one millisecond.
void QCPAxis::setTickLength | ( | int | inside, |
int | outside = 0 |
) |
Sets the length of the ticks in pixels. inside is the length the ticks will reach inside the plot and outside is the length they will reach outside the plot. If outside is greater than zero, the tick labels will increase their distance to the axis accordingly, so they won't collide with the ticks.
void QCPAxis::setTickPen | ( | const QPen & | pen | ) |
Sets the pen, tick marks will be drawn with.
void QCPAxis::setTicks | ( | bool | show | ) |
Sets whether tick marks are displayed. Setting show to false does not imply, that tick labels are invisible, too. To achieve that, see setTickLabels.
void QCPAxis::setTickStep | ( | double | step | ) |
If setAutoTickStep is set to false, use this function to set the tick step manually. The tick step is the interval between (major) ticks, in plot coordinates.
void QCPAxis::setTickVector | ( | const QVector< double > & | vec | ) |
If you want full control over what ticks (and possibly labels) the axes show, this function is used to set the coordinates at which ticks will appear.setAutoTicks must be disabled, else the provided tick vector will be overwritten with automatically generated tick coordinates. The labels of the ticks can either be generated automatically when setAutoTickLabels is left enabled, or be set manually with setTickVectorLabels, when setAutoTickLabels is disabled.
vec is a vector containing the positions of the ticks.
void QCPAxis::setTickVectorLabels | ( | const QVector< QString > & | vec | ) |
If you want full control over what ticks and labels the axes show, this function is used to set a number of QStrings that will be displayed at the tick positions which you need to provide with setTickVector. These two vectors should have the same size. (Note that you need to disable setAutoTicks and setAutoTickLabels first.)
vec is a vector containing the labels of the ticks.
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void QCPAxis::setZeroLinePen | ( | const QPen & | pen | ) |
Sets the pen with which a single grid-like line will be drawn at value position zero. The line will be drawn instead of a grid line at that position, and not on top. To disable the drawing of a zero-line, set pen to Qt::NoPen. Then, if setGrid is enabled, a grid line will be drawn instead.
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This signal is emitted when setAutoTicks is false and the axis is about to generate tick labels and replot itself.
Modifying the tick positions can be done with setTickVector. If you also want to control the tick labels, set setAutoTickLabels to false and also provide the labels with setTickVectorLabels.
If you only want static ticks you probably don't need this signal, since you can just set the tick vector (and possibly tick label vector) once. However, if you want to provide ticks (and maybe labels) dynamically, e.g. depending on the current axis range, connect a slot to this signal and set the vector/vectors there.
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