2.0 prealpha
Cognitive Robotics Architecture
QCP | |
Ui | |
Blank | |
BlankInterface | |
BlankSettings | |
ESN | |
ESNInterface | |
ESNSettings | |
GUI | |
Interface | |
Image | |
MainWindow | |
Server | |
ModuleGenerator | |
MTRNNInterface | |
MTRNNSettings | |
Plot3D | |
QCPAbstractItem | The abstract base class for all items in a plot |
QCPAbstractLegendItem | The abstract base class for all items in a QCPLegend |
QCPAbstractPlottable | The abstract base class for all data representing objects in a plot |
QCPAxis | Manages a single axis inside a QCustomPlot |
QCPBarData | Holds the data of one single data point (one bar) for QCPBars |
QCPBars | A plottable representing a bar chart in a plot |
QCPCurve | A plottable representing a parametric curve in a plot |
QCPCurveData | Holds the data of one single data point for QCPCurve |
QCPData | Holds the data of one single data point for QCPGraph |
QCPGraph | A plottable representing a graph in a plot |
QCPGrid | Responsible for drawing the grid of a QCPAxis |
QCPItemAnchor | An anchor of an item to which positions can be attached to |
QCPItemBracket | A bracket for referencing/highlighting certain parts in the plot |
QCPItemCurve | A curved line from one point to another |
QCPItemEllipse | An ellipse |
QCPItemLine | A line from one point to another |
QCPItemPixmap | An arbitrary pixmap |
QCPItemPosition | Manages the position of an item |
QCPItemRect | A rectangle |
QCPItemStraightLine | A straight line that spans infinitely in both directions |
QCPItemText | A text label |
QCPItemTracer | Item that sticks to QCPGraph data points |
QCPLayer | A layer that may contain objects, to control the rendering order |
QCPLayerable | Base class for all objects that can be placed on layers |
QCPLegend | Manages a legend inside a QCustomPlot |
QCPLineEnding | Handles the different ending decorations for line-like items |
QCPPainter | QPainter subclass used internally |
QCPPlottableLegendItem | A legend item representing a plottable with an icon and the plottable name |
QCPRange | Represents the range an axis is encompassing |
QCPStatisticalBox | A plottable representing a single statistical box in a plot |
QCustomPlot | The central class of the library, the QWidget which displays the plot and interacts with the user |
Settings | |
GPU | |
SOM | |
SOMInterface | |
SOMSettings | |
SplashScreen | |
TabWidget | |
Tracker | |
TrackerInterface | |
TrackerSettings | |
Viewport | |
ViewportThread | |
Win7ProgressBar | |
Xxxxxxxxx | |
XxxxxxxxxInterface | |
XxxxxxxxxSettings |