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QCPGraph Class Reference

A plottable representing a graph in a plot. More...

#include <plot2d.h>

Inheritance diagram for QCPGraph:
QCPAbstractPlottable QCPLayerable

Public Types

enum  LineStyle {
  lsNone, lsLine, lsStepLeft, lsStepRight,
  lsStepCenter, lsImpulse
enum  ErrorType { etNone, etKey, etValue, etBoth }

Public Member Functions

 QCPGraph (QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis)
virtual ~QCPGraph ()
const QCPDataMapdata () const
LineStyle lineStyle () const
QCP::ScatterStyle scatterStyle () const
double scatterSize () const
const QPixmap scatterPixmap () const
ErrorType errorType () const
QPen errorPen () const
double errorBarSize () const
bool errorBarSkipSymbol () const
QCPGraphchannelFillGraph () const
void setData (QCPDataMap *data, bool copy=false)
void setData (const QVector< double > &key, const QVector< double > &value)
void setDataKeyError (const QVector< double > &key, const QVector< double > &value, const QVector< double > &keyError)
void setDataKeyError (const QVector< double > &key, const QVector< double > &value, const QVector< double > &keyErrorMinus, const QVector< double > &keyErrorPlus)
void setDataValueError (const QVector< double > &key, const QVector< double > &value, const QVector< double > &valueError)
void setDataValueError (const QVector< double > &key, const QVector< double > &value, const QVector< double > &valueErrorMinus, const QVector< double > &valueErrorPlus)
void setDataBothError (const QVector< double > &key, const QVector< double > &value, const QVector< double > &keyError, const QVector< double > &valueError)
void setDataBothError (const QVector< double > &key, const QVector< double > &value, const QVector< double > &keyErrorMinus, const QVector< double > &keyErrorPlus, const QVector< double > &valueErrorMinus, const QVector< double > &valueErrorPlus)
void setLineStyle (LineStyle ls)
void setScatterStyle (QCP::ScatterStyle ss)
void setScatterSize (double size)
void setScatterPixmap (const QPixmap &pixmap)
void setErrorType (ErrorType errorType)
void setErrorPen (const QPen &pen)
void setErrorBarSize (double size)
void setErrorBarSkipSymbol (bool enabled)
void setChannelFillGraph (QCPGraph *targetGraph)
void addData (const QCPDataMap &dataMap)
void addData (const QCPData &data)
void addData (double key, double value)
void addData (const QVector< double > &keys, const QVector< double > &values)
void removeDataBefore (double key)
void removeDataAfter (double key)
void removeData (double fromKey, double toKey)
void removeData (double key)
virtual void clearData ()
virtual double selectTest (const QPointF &pos) const
virtual void rescaleAxes (bool onlyEnlarge, bool includeErrorBars) const
virtual void rescaleKeyAxis (bool onlyEnlarge, bool includeErrorBars) const
virtual void rescaleValueAxis (bool onlyEnlarge, bool includeErrorBars) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from QCPAbstractPlottable
 QCPAbstractPlottable (QCPAxis *keyAxis, QCPAxis *valueAxis)
virtual ~QCPAbstractPlottable ()
QString name () const
bool antialiasedFill () const
bool antialiasedScatters () const
bool antialiasedErrorBars () const
QPen pen () const
QPen selectedPen () const
QBrush brush () const
QBrush selectedBrush () const
QCPAxiskeyAxis () const
QCPAxisvalueAxis () const
bool selectable () const
bool selected () const
void setName (const QString &name)
void setAntialiasedFill (bool enabled)
void setAntialiasedScatters (bool enabled)
void setAntialiasedErrorBars (bool enabled)
void setPen (const QPen &pen)
void setSelectedPen (const QPen &pen)
void setBrush (const QBrush &brush)
void setSelectedBrush (const QBrush &brush)
void setKeyAxis (QCPAxis *axis)
void setValueAxis (QCPAxis *axis)
void setSelectable (bool selectable)
void setSelected (bool selected)
void rescaleAxes (bool onlyEnlarge=false) const
void rescaleKeyAxis (bool onlyEnlarge=false) const
void rescaleValueAxis (bool onlyEnlarge=false) const
virtual bool addToLegend ()
virtual bool removeFromLegend () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from QCPLayerable
 QCPLayerable (QCustomPlot *parentPlot)
 ~QCPLayerable ()
bool visible () const
QCustomPlotparentPlot () const
QCPLayerlayer () const
bool antialiased () const
void setVisible (bool on)
bool setLayer (QCPLayer *layer)
bool setLayer (const QString &layerName)
void setAntialiased (bool enabled)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void draw (QCPPainter *painter)
virtual void drawLegendIcon (QCPPainter *painter, const QRect &rect) const
void getPlotData (QVector< QPointF > *lineData, QVector< QCPData > *pointData) const
void getScatterPlotData (QVector< QCPData > *pointData) const
void getLinePlotData (QVector< QPointF > *lineData, QVector< QCPData > *pointData) const
void getStepLeftPlotData (QVector< QPointF > *lineData, QVector< QCPData > *pointData) const
void getStepRightPlotData (QVector< QPointF > *lineData, QVector< QCPData > *pointData) const
void getStepCenterPlotData (QVector< QPointF > *lineData, QVector< QCPData > *pointData) const
void getImpulsePlotData (QVector< QPointF > *lineData, QVector< QCPData > *pointData) const
void drawFill (QCPPainter *painter, QVector< QPointF > *lineData) const
void drawScatterPlot (QCPPainter *painter, QVector< QCPData > *pointData) const
void drawLinePlot (QCPPainter *painter, QVector< QPointF > *lineData) const
void drawImpulsePlot (QCPPainter *painter, QVector< QPointF > *lineData) const
void drawError (QCPPainter *painter, double x, double y, const QCPData &data) const
void getVisibleDataBounds (QCPDataMap::const_iterator &lower, QCPDataMap::const_iterator &upper, int &count) const
void addFillBasePoints (QVector< QPointF > *lineData) const
void removeFillBasePoints (QVector< QPointF > *lineData) const
QPointF lowerFillBasePoint (double lowerKey) const
QPointF upperFillBasePoint (double upperKey) const
const QPolygonF getChannelFillPolygon (const QVector< QPointF > *lineData) const
int findIndexBelowX (const QVector< QPointF > *data, double x) const
int findIndexAboveX (const QVector< QPointF > *data, double x) const
int findIndexBelowY (const QVector< QPointF > *data, double y) const
int findIndexAboveY (const QVector< QPointF > *data, double y) const
double pointDistance (const QPointF &pixelPoint) const
virtual QCPRange getKeyRange (bool &validRange, SignDomain inSignDomain=sdBoth) const
virtual QCPRange getValueRange (bool &validRange, SignDomain inSignDomain=sdBoth) const
virtual QCPRange getKeyRange (bool &validRange, SignDomain inSignDomain, bool includeErrors) const
virtual QCPRange getValueRange (bool &validRange, SignDomain inSignDomain, bool includeErrors) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QCPAbstractPlottable
virtual QRect clipRect () const
void coordsToPixels (double key, double value, double &x, double &y) const
const QPointF coordsToPixels (double key, double value) const
void pixelsToCoords (double x, double y, double &key, double &value) const
void pixelsToCoords (const QPointF &pixelPos, double &key, double &value) const
QPen mainPen () const
QBrush mainBrush () const
void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint (QCPPainter *painter) const
void applyFillAntialiasingHint (QCPPainter *painter) const
void applyScattersAntialiasingHint (QCPPainter *painter) const
void applyErrorBarsAntialiasingHint (QCPPainter *painter) const
double distSqrToLine (const QPointF &start, const QPointF &end, const QPointF &point) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QCPLayerable
bool moveToLayer (QCPLayer *layer, bool prepend)
void applyAntialiasingHint (QCPPainter *painter, bool localAntialiased, QCP::AntialiasedElement overrideElement) const

Protected Attributes

QPen mErrorPen
LineStyle mLineStyle
QCP::ScatterStyle mScatterStyle
double mScatterSize
QPixmap mScatterPixmap
ErrorType mErrorType
double mErrorBarSize
bool mErrorBarSkipSymbol
- Protected Attributes inherited from QCPAbstractPlottable
QString mName
bool mAntialiasedFill
bool mAntialiasedScatters
bool mAntialiasedErrorBars
QPen mPen
QPen mSelectedPen
QBrush mBrush
QBrush mSelectedBrush
bool mSelected
bool mSelectable
- Protected Attributes inherited from QCPLayerable
bool mVisible
bool mAntialiased


class QCustomPlot
class QCPLegend

Additional Inherited Members

- Signals inherited from QCPAbstractPlottable
void selectionChanged (bool selected)
- Protected Types inherited from QCPAbstractPlottable
enum  SignDomain { sdNegative, sdBoth, sdPositive }

Detailed Description

A plottable representing a graph in a plot.

Usually QCustomPlot creates it internally via QCustomPlot::addGraph and the resulting instance is accessed via QCustomPlot::graph.

To plot data, assign it with the setData or addData functions.

Changing the appearance

The appearance of the graph is mainly determined by the line style, scatter style, brush and pen of the graph (setLineStyle, setScatterStyle, setBrush, setPen).

Filling under or between graphs

QCPGraph knows two types of fills: Normal graph fills towards the zero-value-line parallel to the key axis of the graph, and fills between two graphs, called channel fills. To enable a fill, just set a brush with setBrush which is neither Qt::NoBrush nor fully transparent.

By default, a normal fill towards the zero-value-line will be drawn. To set up a channel fill between this graph and another one, call setChannelFillGraph with the other graph as parameter.

See Also
QCustomPlot::addGraph, QCustomPlot::graph, QCPLegend::addGraph

Member Enumeration Documentation

Defines what kind of error bars are drawn for each data point


No error bars are shown.


Error bars for the key dimension of the data point are shown.


Error bars for the value dimension of the data point are shown.


Error bars for both key and value dimensions of the data point are shown.

Defines how the graph's line is represented visually in the plot. The line is drawn with the current pen of the graph (setPen).

See Also

with symbols according to the scatter style, see setScatterStyle)

data points are not connected with any lines (e.g. data only represented


data points are connected by a straight line


line is drawn as steps where the step height is the value of the left data point


line is drawn as steps where the step height is the value of the right data point


line is drawn as steps where the step is in between two data points


each data point is represented by a line parallel to the value axis, which reaches from the data point to the zero-value-line

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

QCPGraph::QCPGraph ( QCPAxis keyAxis,
QCPAxis valueAxis 

Constructs a graph which uses keyAxis as its key axis ("x") and valueAxis as its value axis ("y"). keyAxis and valueAxis must reside in the same QCustomPlot instance and not have the same orientation. If either of these restrictions is violated, a corresponding message is printed to the debug output (qDebug), the construction is not aborted, though.

The constructed QCPGraph can be added to the plot with QCustomPlot::addPlottable, QCustomPlot then takes ownership of the graph.

To directly create a graph inside a plot, you can also use the simpler QCustomPlot::addGraph function.

QCPGraph::~QCPGraph ( )

Member Function Documentation

void QCPGraph::addData ( const QCPDataMap dataMap)

Adds the provided data points in dataMap to the current data.

See Also
void QCPGraph::addData ( const QCPData data)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. Adds the provided single data point in data to the current data.

See Also
void QCPGraph::addData ( double  key,
double  value 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. Adds the provided single data point as key and value pair to the current data.

See Also
void QCPGraph::addData ( const QVector< double > &  keys,
const QVector< double > &  values 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. Adds the provided data points as key and value pairs to the current data.

See Also
void QCPGraph::addFillBasePoints ( QVector< QPointF > *  lineData) const
QCPGraph* QCPGraph::channelFillGraph ( ) const
void QCPGraph::clearData ( )

Removes all data points.

See Also
removeData, removeDataAfter, removeDataBefore

Implements QCPAbstractPlottable.

const QCPDataMap* QCPGraph::data ( ) const
void QCPGraph::draw ( QCPPainter painter)

Implements QCPAbstractPlottable.

void QCPGraph::drawError ( QCPPainter painter,
double  x,
double  y,
const QCPData data 
) const
void QCPGraph::drawFill ( QCPPainter painter,
QVector< QPointF > *  lineData 
) const
void QCPGraph::drawImpulsePlot ( QCPPainter painter,
QVector< QPointF > *  lineData 
) const
void QCPGraph::drawLegendIcon ( QCPPainter painter,
const QRect &  rect 
) const

Implements QCPAbstractPlottable.

void QCPGraph::drawLinePlot ( QCPPainter painter,
QVector< QPointF > *  lineData 
) const
void QCPGraph::drawScatterPlot ( QCPPainter painter,
QVector< QCPData > *  pointData 
) const
double QCPGraph::errorBarSize ( ) const
bool QCPGraph::errorBarSkipSymbol ( ) const
QPen QCPGraph::errorPen ( ) const
ErrorType QCPGraph::errorType ( ) const
int QCPGraph::findIndexAboveX ( const QVector< QPointF > *  data,
double  x 
) const
int QCPGraph::findIndexAboveY ( const QVector< QPointF > *  data,
double  y 
) const
int QCPGraph::findIndexBelowX ( const QVector< QPointF > *  data,
double  x 
) const
int QCPGraph::findIndexBelowY ( const QVector< QPointF > *  data,
double  y 
) const
const QPolygonF QCPGraph::getChannelFillPolygon ( const QVector< QPointF > *  lineData) const
void QCPGraph::getImpulsePlotData ( QVector< QPointF > *  lineData,
QVector< QCPData > *  pointData 
) const
QCPRange QCPGraph::getKeyRange ( bool &  validRange,
SignDomain  inSignDomain = sdBoth 
) const

Implements QCPAbstractPlottable.

QCPRange QCPGraph::getKeyRange ( bool &  validRange,
SignDomain  inSignDomain,
bool  includeErrors 
) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. Allows to specify whether the error bars should be included in the range calculation.

See Also
getKeyRange(bool &validRange, SignDomain inSignDomain)
void QCPGraph::getLinePlotData ( QVector< QPointF > *  lineData,
QVector< QCPData > *  pointData 
) const
void QCPGraph::getPlotData ( QVector< QPointF > *  lineData,
QVector< QCPData > *  pointData 
) const
void QCPGraph::getScatterPlotData ( QVector< QCPData > *  pointData) const
void QCPGraph::getStepCenterPlotData ( QVector< QPointF > *  lineData,
QVector< QCPData > *  pointData 
) const
void QCPGraph::getStepLeftPlotData ( QVector< QPointF > *  lineData,
QVector< QCPData > *  pointData 
) const
void QCPGraph::getStepRightPlotData ( QVector< QPointF > *  lineData,
QVector< QCPData > *  pointData 
) const
QCPRange QCPGraph::getValueRange ( bool &  validRange,
SignDomain  inSignDomain = sdBoth 
) const

Implements QCPAbstractPlottable.

QCPRange QCPGraph::getValueRange ( bool &  validRange,
SignDomain  inSignDomain,
bool  includeErrors 
) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. Allows to specify whether the error bars should be included in the range calculation.

See Also
getValueRange(bool &validRange, SignDomain inSignDomain)
void QCPGraph::getVisibleDataBounds ( QCPDataMap::const_iterator &  lower,
QCPDataMap::const_iterator &  upper,
int &  count 
) const
LineStyle QCPGraph::lineStyle ( ) const
QPointF QCPGraph::lowerFillBasePoint ( double  lowerKey) const
double QCPGraph::pointDistance ( const QPointF &  pixelPoint) const
void QCPGraph::removeData ( double  fromKey,
double  toKey 

Removes all data points with keys between fromKey and toKey. if fromKey is greater or equal to toKey, the function does nothing. To remove a single data point with known key, use removeData(double key).

See Also
addData, clearData
void QCPGraph::removeData ( double  key)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. Removes a single data point at key. If the position is not known with absolute precision, consider using removeData(double fromKey, double toKey) with a small fuzziness interval around the suspected position, depeding on the precision with which the key is known.

See Also
addData, clearData
void QCPGraph::removeDataAfter ( double  key)

Removes all data points with keys greater than key.

See Also
addData, clearData
void QCPGraph::removeDataBefore ( double  key)

Removes all data points with keys smaller than key.

See Also
addData, clearData
void QCPGraph::removeFillBasePoints ( QVector< QPointF > *  lineData) const
void QCPGraph::rescaleAxes ( bool  onlyEnlarge,
bool  includeErrorBars 
) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. Allows to define whether error bars are taken into consideration when determining the new axis range.

void QCPGraph::rescaleKeyAxis ( bool  onlyEnlarge,
bool  includeErrorBars 
) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. Allows to define whether error bars (of kind QCPGraph::etKey) are taken into consideration when determining the new axis range.

void QCPGraph::rescaleValueAxis ( bool  onlyEnlarge,
bool  includeErrorBars 
) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. Allows to define whether error bars (of kind QCPGraph::etValue) are taken into consideration when determining the new axis range.

const QPixmap QCPGraph::scatterPixmap ( ) const
double QCPGraph::scatterSize ( ) const
QCP::ScatterStyle QCPGraph::scatterStyle ( ) const
double QCPGraph::selectTest ( const QPointF &  pos) const

This function is used to decide whether a click hits a plottable or not.

pos is a point in pixel coordinates on the QCustomPlot surface. This function returns the shortest pixel distance of this point to the plottable (e.g. to the scatters/lines of a graph). If the plottable is either invisible, contains no data or the distance couldn't be determined, -1.0 is returned. setSelectable has no influence on the return value of this function.

If the plottable is represented not by single lines but by an area like QCPBars or QCPStatisticalBox, a click inside the area returns a constant value greater zero (typically 99% of the selectionTolerance of the parent QCustomPlot). If the click lies outside the area, this function returns -1.0.

Providing a constant value for area objects allows selecting line objects even when they are obscured by such area objects, by clicking close to the lines (i.e. closer than 0.99*selectionTolerance).

The actual setting of the selection state is not done by this function. This is handled by the parent QCustomPlot when the mouseReleaseEvent occurs.

See Also
setSelected, QCustomPlot::setInteractions

Implements QCPAbstractPlottable.

void QCPGraph::setChannelFillGraph ( QCPGraph targetGraph)

Sets the target graph for filling the area between this graph and targetGraph with the current brush (setBrush).

When targetGraph is set to 0, a normal graph fill will be produced. This means, when the brush is not Qt::NoBrush or fully transparent, a fill all the way to the zero-value-line parallel to the key axis of this graph will be drawn. To disable any filling, set the brush to Qt::NoBrush.

See Also
void QCPGraph::setData ( QCPDataMap data,
bool  copy = false 

Replaces the current data with the provided data.

If copy is set to true, data points in data will only be copied. if false, the graph takes ownership of the passed data and replaces the internal data pointer with it. This is significantly faster than copying for large datasets.

void QCPGraph::setData ( const QVector< double > &  key,
const QVector< double > &  value 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. Replaces the current data with the provided points in key and value pairs. The provided vectors should have equal length. Else, the number of added points will be the size of the smallest vector.

void QCPGraph::setDataBothError ( const QVector< double > &  key,
const QVector< double > &  value,
const QVector< double > &  keyError,
const QVector< double > &  valueError 

Replaces the current data with the provided points in key and value pairs. Additionally the symmetrical key and value errors of the data points are set to the values in keyError and valueError. For error bars to show appropriately, see setErrorType. The provided vectors should have equal length. Else, the number of added points will be the size of the smallest vector.

For asymmetrical errors (plus different from minus), see the overloaded version of this function.

void QCPGraph::setDataBothError ( const QVector< double > &  key,
const QVector< double > &  value,
const QVector< double > &  keyErrorMinus,
const QVector< double > &  keyErrorPlus,
const QVector< double > &  valueErrorMinus,
const QVector< double > &  valueErrorPlus 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Replaces the current data with the provided points in key and value pairs. Additionally the negative key and value errors of the data points are set to the values in keyErrorMinus and valueErrorMinus. The positive key and value errors are set to the values in keyErrorPlus valueErrorPlus. For error bars to show appropriately, see setErrorType. The provided vectors should have equal length. Else, the number of added points will be the size of the smallest vector.

void QCPGraph::setDataKeyError ( const QVector< double > &  key,
const QVector< double > &  value,
const QVector< double > &  keyError 

Replaces the current data with the provided points in key and value pairs. Additionally the symmetrical key error of the data points are set to the values in keyError. For error bars to show appropriately, see setErrorType. The provided vectors should have equal length. Else, the number of added points will be the size of the smallest vector.

For asymmetrical errors (plus different from minus), see the overloaded version of this function.

void QCPGraph::setDataKeyError ( const QVector< double > &  key,
const QVector< double > &  value,
const QVector< double > &  keyErrorMinus,
const QVector< double > &  keyErrorPlus 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Replaces the current data with the provided points in key and value pairs. Additionally the negative key error of the data points are set to the values in keyErrorMinus, the positive key error to keyErrorPlus. For error bars to show appropriately, see setErrorType. The provided vectors should have equal length. Else, the number of added points will be the size of the smallest vector.

void QCPGraph::setDataValueError ( const QVector< double > &  key,
const QVector< double > &  value,
const QVector< double > &  valueError 

Replaces the current data with the provided points in key and value pairs. Additionally the symmetrical value error of the data points are set to the values in valueError. For error bars to show appropriately, see setErrorType. The provided vectors should have equal length. Else, the number of added points will be the size of the smallest vector.

For asymmetrical errors (plus different from minus), see the overloaded version of this function.

void QCPGraph::setDataValueError ( const QVector< double > &  key,
const QVector< double > &  value,
const QVector< double > &  valueErrorMinus,
const QVector< double > &  valueErrorPlus 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Replaces the current data with the provided points in key and value pairs. Additionally the negative value error of the data points are set to the values in valueErrorMinus, the positive value error to valueErrorPlus. For error bars to show appropriately, see setErrorType. The provided vectors should have equal length. Else, the number of added points will be the size of the smallest vector.

void QCPGraph::setErrorBarSize ( double  size)

Sets the width of the handles at both ends of an error bar in pixels.

void QCPGraph::setErrorBarSkipSymbol ( bool  enabled)

If enabled is set to true, the error bar will not be drawn as a solid line under the scatter symbol but leave some free space around the symbol.

This feature uses the current scatter size (setScatterSize) to determine the size of the area to leave blank. So when drawing Pixmaps as scatter points (QCP::ssPixmap), the scatter size must be set manually to a value corresponding to the size of the Pixmap, if the error bars should leave gaps to its boundaries.

void QCPGraph::setErrorPen ( const QPen &  pen)

Sets the pen with which the error bars will be drawn.

See Also
setErrorBarSize, setErrorType
void QCPGraph::setErrorType ( ErrorType  errorType)

Sets which kind of error bars (Key Error, Value Error or both) should be drawn on each data point. If you set errorType to something other than etNone, make sure to actually pass error data via the specific setData functions along with the data points (e.g. setDataValueError, setDataKeyError, setDataBothError).

See Also
void QCPGraph::setLineStyle ( LineStyle  ls)

Sets how the single data points are connected in the plot or how they are represented visually apart from the scatter symbol. For scatter-only plots, set ls to lsNone and setScatterStyle to the desired scatter style.

See Also
void QCPGraph::setScatterPixmap ( const QPixmap &  pixmap)

If the scatter style (setScatterStyle) is set to ssPixmap, this function defines the QPixmap that will be drawn centered on the data point coordinate.

See Also
void QCPGraph::setScatterSize ( double  size)

This defines how big (in pixels) single scatters are drawn, if scatter style (setScatterStyle) isn't QCP::ssNone, QCP::ssDot or QCP::ssPixmap. Floating point values are allowed for fine grained control over optical appearance with antialiased painting.

See Also
void QCPGraph::setScatterStyle ( QCP::ScatterStyle  ss)

Sets the visual appearance of single data points in the plot. If set to QCP::ssNone, no scatter points are drawn (e.g. for line-only-plots with appropriate line style).

See Also
ScatterStyle, setLineStyle
QPointF QCPGraph::upperFillBasePoint ( double  upperKey) const

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class QCPLegend
friend class QCustomPlot

Member Data Documentation

QCPGraph* QCPGraph::mChannelFillGraph
QCPDataMap* QCPGraph::mData
double QCPGraph::mErrorBarSize
bool QCPGraph::mErrorBarSkipSymbol
QPen QCPGraph::mErrorPen
ErrorType QCPGraph::mErrorType
LineStyle QCPGraph::mLineStyle
QPixmap QCPGraph::mScatterPixmap
double QCPGraph::mScatterSize
QCP::ScatterStyle QCPGraph::mScatterStyle

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